Why is Antifa, the laughably self-proclaimed “anti-fascists” feuding against anti-maskers? Can there be any doubt that they’re really communist Democrat henchmen, sent out to frighten citizens into compliance? 

On Saturday Antifa showed up to intimidate attendees of a planned march against medical tyranny. The trouble-making, black-clad, masked thugs weren’t expecting to be met with much if any resistance.

The Right Scoop reports, “In Los Angeles, hand-to-hand combat broke out this afternoon as Antifa invaded an anti-mask mandate protest and started up a street war with proud boys and everyone else.”

The report hilariously adds, “Good thing being up close throwing punches and getting blood and spit all over you isn’t a Covid risk. Otherwise, this would seem absurd and stupid as a way to fight the dangers of people who don’t want to wear masks or socially distance, you know?”



Antifa thug who isn’t enjoying the ratio brings out a knife,


Paramedics responded to a stabbing:



A Twitter poster asks, “Since when was if [sic] Antifa’s job to uphold authoritarian policy?”



Some believe the march was, in actuality, a “recall Newsome” rally. If so, it only further drives home the fact that the scrawny illiterate thugs are not anti-fascists, but in reality, paid Democrat goons.




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